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Thursday, January 6, 2011

Day 1 - Slack Tide

So this is my first blog. Welcome to my life! I have so many things to comment on and share with the world. I thought of writing a book but it seems like every time I start something I just cannot finish it. I have perfected the art of self-sabotage!

You may be asking what is this blog about? So am I. I think that I will keep it simple and write about whatever happens to strike me at any given moment that I sit down and start typing. So fasten your seat-belts; this is bound to be a ride to rival the most insane carnival coaster!

So a little about me. I am in my 30s and have a 4 year college degree in a subject that seems to have no true value in the geographical location that I call home. I am employed part-time with two on-call type positions. Which means my schedule is a kin to feast or famine. In the past 3 years I have sent out hundreds of resumes, applied to hundreds of positions and had about 50 interviews; alas no full-time job offers.  I am either too qualified or don't have the specialized experience that companies want. Oh and sometimes equal opportunity employment works against me! I owned a small business for a few years but the failing of my first marriage plus my medical problems at the time lead me to those places called self-doubt and slackerdom.  Several years later I met a man and we got pregnant. So then came marriage, a baby carriage and turmoil.  We knew each other 2 months when we got pregnant and a total of 5 when we got married. I thought my getting pregnant without the fertility drugs that I used in my first marriage (without success) was a sign that this man was for me. He thought that we played with fire and got burnt.   Out of this union a wonderful and brilliant child was born! At this point me and husband #2 have been separated for several months and the tumultuous waters that ruled our lives has been replaced with calm seas that occasionally produce awesome waves. We are one of those pairs of parents that though we don't live together we can be friends, socialize and interact on a daily basis.

Now I am at a crossroads in my life wondering through the fog trying to determine which path to take.  I love to create things. food is my weak point, well actually baking. I love to make comfort food and most of the time that leads to fat and sugar laden products that carry the flavors of life. Sometimes it is a culmination of the flavors of our childhood, pure and sweet, a flavor that wraps you in a security that is hard to find as an adult. Then there is the flavor of adolescence, rebellious and reinvented, the classics with a twist of the unexpected. The daring flavor of dreams yet realized. Occasionally the adult flavors come out; sophistication, refinement, the bittersweet taste of the ingredients that we chose for our recipe. A mixture that leads us to hope, fulfillment  and peace.

Fortunately food is not the only thing that I create. At this moment I am in the process of creating accessories. similar to the business I had before yet broader and not so specialized. Right now it is just a hobby and a way to bring in a little extra cash.

So that is a little about me to begin with. Now I must get back to the reality of my surroundings and try to organize the chaos that is my physical domain.


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