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Friday, January 7, 2011

Chaotic Waters

So the attempt to bring calm to the chaos the is my physical surroundings is a very slow process. I am talking about organizing and carving out a workspace in this house for my accessories hobby/business.  Not to mention the chaos of  mine and my child's rooms. One day I can have things clean and the next it looks like a tornado went through. Especially those days that I have my child. I am a good organizer but I tend to get overwhelmed very easily and things pile up and up! Add to the mix I am not in my own house and have not been for almost 3 years. I moved in with my husband in 2008 when we got married but his house was never really my house. You see he is very much a person that likes things his way and has a hard time compromising. His idea of compromise was to build a shed to put my life in.  I had a house and a life before I met him and the merging was not an easy one. Hence we are now separated and I am living in my father's house. Which is ok since he is usually not here and spends nearly all of his nights with his significant other.

I am hoping that once I get organized that this business will take off. Though my soon-to-be-ex-husband would much prefer me to find a full-time job with benefits. I would like that too. I am smart, educated and have most of the skills that are preferred for the positions that I am applying but I just don't have the experience....or sometimes I want a salary that I can actually support myself on! Go figure, food, bills, necessities and no government assistance? What is up with that?!? At this time I am refusing to talk to anyone representing a company that has outsourced. I need a job!!! I am sure that Bob in India's life is much better now and he doesn't cost the company as much as I would but the fact is that there are many Americans who would love to have his job if it paid a salary where we could have a standard of living that afforded us a modest place to live, the ability to provide for our children and not to have to worry about how to make all the ends meet so that the circle of life can continue!

And equal opportunity employment? HA! I have passed numerous tests with flying colors and proven myself to be qualified for entry-level positions with the state in which I live. I have noticed though that when I go in for my testing the groups that I am testing with and the persons that conduct these tests are of a minority ethnicity. Also the offices are filled with minorities and females with an occasional minority male. No white males and very very few white females. Being an educated white female completely works against me when I apply for state jobs!

I guess this is enough of a rant for now. Time to take up the reigns of chaos.

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